Friday, October 24, 2008

El Blog numero 1...

I don't know how many people out there will read this or if anyone will read it at all. I mean I'm hoping that people decide to read it. But I just felt like I need to write out my life, my feelings, and everything that I go through because its so hard to be put on the spot when it comes to talking to people and expressing myself in person. So without further ado, I am just gonna explain a little about myself. Give everyone a nice little taste of what its like on my side of the fence. A lot of people think that the grass is greener over here...And sometimes its great and sometimes it's not so great.  Just like everyones life I guess. Right now its going pretty shitty. As you all know the economy is craptacular and, financially, everyone is going through their rough times.  

Me? I am only 23 years old and last year I graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in music. Now most people think that it is pretty pointless and stupid to want to get into music because they think that there are no real careers in music and that the only people that actually do have careers in it got really lucky. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't but the opportunities are out there. And to tell you the truth, music is the only thing I really see myself doing. It's the only thing that has ever brought me any joy to my life. I can't stand going to a 9 to 5 everyday and doing the same thing over and over. Every time I get a job like that I feel like my life is being sucked out of me and I end up quitting, gaining no real true experience and getting employers to turn me down for jobs or not even call me back for an interview. Now at this point I NEED a 9 to 5 to pay my bills, but because I have no experience in anything but music, nobody wants to hire me. Regardless of whether I went to college for 4 years and have a degree or not. 

The only way I have been able to pay my bills as of late is by doing gigs and recording. Which is what I want to be doing anyways, but since its the winter and with our country the way it is, it hasn't been very consistent. One of my weekly gigs got dropped because not enough people were coming to our show and spending money, therefore there is no money to pay the band. And even though it was a lousy $60 a week, I still depended on that. So now, my band has to go hunting for another weekly gig. 

Another recent happening is that I got fired from this restaurant that I have been working at for over a year. Now tell me if this sounds fair.... My bosses, who were also friends of mine, hadn't payed me in over a month even though they knew that I needed to be paid. So I finally told my boss that if he didn't pay me, I wasn't going to come to work because it would be a waste of my time. So when I didn't show up one day that I was scheduled to work, he leaves me a message saying that he would pay me my money but that I was no longer working at the restaurant. Now ain't that a bitch? Does that even make any sense? And get this...He couldn't pay me but he could buy $800 shoes, a $20,000 engagement ring, and spend $150 at our mutual friends b-day party? Wow... And then when I get my money he says "This is my mortgage that I am giving you, you know..."  Needless to say that we are no longer friends....

Well, this is it for right now. I'll be back to post later. Feel free to post your opinions....

1 comment:

David Blomstrom said...

What kind of idiot pays $800 for a pair of shoes?!

After I got hooked on Salsa, I went looking for a pair of dance shoes. The store I went to was out of regular leather shoes, so the owner talked me into buying a pair of shoes with suede soles (something I had never heard of). I was embarrassed to admit I paid $120 - the most expensive shoes I've ever owned.

I have paid more for climbing boots, cold-weather footwear, etc.

And I'd never criticize a woman for spending that kind of money on shoes. If I could afford it, I might even buy them for her. :)

But guys who spend $800 on shoes need to get a life. Sheez.

In the meantime, America's economic train wreck is going to be tough on everyone, including artists. Still, you're lucky to have a dream, something many of the people I work with don't. And if you just hang in there, your dream may bear fruit. I certainly think your fan club will continue growing.